Your assets



Are you looking for a trusted, experienced partner to manage your wealth? Our wealth managers offer more than simple investment solutions. They will tailor their response to your personal situation while working to protect and grow your assets, in full compliance with regulatory requirements and supervised by FINMA.

Wealth Management

Pragmatic, tailored solutions

The usual approach to wealth management includes an analysis of your situation, a risk assessment, the choice of suitable investment strategies and regular reviews. At Cité Gestion, we go beyond this and offer highly personalized solutions for all types of investment mandate.

Discretionary portfolio management

Delegate the management of your assets to one of our wealth managers and enjoy access to carefully managed investments available in different currencies. Your portfolio will be managed individually and will benefit from diversified, liquid, transparent investments tailored to your investor profile, your needs and your goals.


If you prefer to take an active role in managing your assets, our wealth managers will advise you on your investment decisions, taking into consideration your goals and your constraints. They will use top-quality financial analysis and their experience in the financial markets to find you the best investment opportunities.


To complement our investment and advisory services, our infrastructure also gives you access to brokerage services on the world’s main financial markets at all times. On request, our wealth managers will register your orders and perform transactions on your behalf, guided by best-execution principles.

A wide range of investment choices

Our wealth managers draw on the recommendations made by our Investment Committee and research from our professional investment partners. They provide access to a full range of products to maximize your portfolio returns while taking all your constraints into account.

  • Direct investments (equities or bonds)
  • Asset allocation funds (selection of investment vehicles)
  • Investment funds (selection of the best external conventional and alternative funds)
  • Structured products (tailor-made products)

Beyond portfolio management

At each stage of your life –changes in your family or professional situation, estate planning, significant projects– we can recommend tax-efficient solutions for your investment strategies and advise you on managing your overall wealth. You will be offered appropriate legal, fiscal and administrative solutions to facilitate the long-term management of your financial, professional, business and family assets.


Excellence in decision-making

By choosing Cité Gestion, you have complete freedom to choose your asset manager or your custodian. You can also keep track of all your accounts held with different institutions. To avoid the complications arising from using multiple custodians, we offer a Global Custody service covering all your financial and non-financial assets (real estate, hedge funds, private equity investments, art, yachts, private jets, etc.), with all the advantages this brings:

  • Global risk management (currency, asset types)
  • Administration and accounting for all your assets
  • Measurement and analysis of your portfolios’ performance
  • Regular, personalized, consolidated reporting
  • Online access to all your portfolios
Our partners

Direct access to a vast network

To complement our wealth management services, Cité Gestion offers direct access to a network of carefully selected partners with deposit, insurance, legal and fiscal expertise. We can draw on our network to put you in touch with leading lawyers, tax experts, and custodians. Cité Gestion has also been approved by most of the leading insurance companies operating under Luxembourg law.

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