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Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments

Since 1 February 1997, commercial trading in securities is governed by the Stock Exchange Act (Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading of 24 March 1995). The Act requires securities dealers to inform their clients about types of transaction and investments that may involve special risks.


Corporate Governance & BASEL III - PILLAR 3

The identification, control and management of risks are at the heart of Cité Gestion. The enclosed presentation gives you the corresponding information. You will also find qualitative and quantitative information in accordance with the FINMA circular 2016/01 requirements.

The risks inherent in Cité Gestion activities can be categorised as follow:

  • Financial risks: credit and counterparty & market risks;
  • Operational risks: business relationship, investment (customer asset management), fraud, cyber and business continuity risks;
  • Reputational risk resulting from mismanagement of the above mentioned points.

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Terms & conditions


The use of this website and the services offered by Cité Gestion are subjected to certain legal rules. In particular, the site does not constitute an offer to contract or to subscribe to investment products or services. This site is not intended to any person residing in any jurisdiction where the presentation of commercial or financial information is a violation of an applicable law or subject to authorization, regardless of the language used. Cité Gestion neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use of data contained in this website. Under this link, you will find a summary of the legal context and of your legal rights and obligations.

General Terms and Conditions

You shall find under this link the General Terms and Conditions governing to the accounts opened with Cité Gestion. The applicable version is the one signed by the client as well as its subsequent versions, issued by Cité Gestion, upon their respective entry into force, once duly notified to the client.

Fiscal Data

Cité Gestion is legally required to collect and sometimes transfer to Swiss or foreign fiscal authorities some personal data regarding its clients (and the beneficial owners of the assets deposited) and economic data. Under this link, you will find a summary of the legal context and of your legal rights and obligations.


Cité Gestion offers its customers secure electronic access to their accounts ("MyCGE" service). You will find under this link the conditions imposed by the technical provider of online access. Each time the "MyCGE" service is used, the user agrees to be bound by the terms of the current version of the attached conditions.

What happens when contact with the client is lost

Banking relationships are usually of a long-term nature, and can extend over very lengthy periods of time. It is not uncommon for banks to lose contact with a customer. The action that banks must take in such instances and what happens to the assets in question is strictly regulated in Switzerland.

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Philippe de Weck

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Atenção : nosso site foi traduzido para o português a pedido de nossos clientes. Em nenhuma circunstância pode ser interpretado como constituindo uma oferta de serviços ou mídia publicitária em jurisdições onde não esteja expressamente autorizado. Notadamente, Cité Gestion não dirige seus serviços aos mercados lusitanos. As versões em francês e inglês do site são vinculativas. 

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